



巴哈伊教最早於1917年傳到中國東北,自1923年4月起,陸續向北京、天津、濟南、南京、上海、蘇州、杭州、武漢等地傳教.1924年春天,美國的巴哈伊教徒羅德女士(MissMarthaL.Root)來到 廣州,經過朋友廖崇真先生的引薦,和孫中山先生會面,向孫先生介紹巴哈伊教,並且頗得孫先生稱許.1930年9月6日和7日兩天,羅德女士在廣州政府的無線電台演講,9月23日的«廣州市政日報»出版«羅德女士演講專號»,由廖崇真先生翻譯刊出包括«國際新教育»、«世界語運動»、«什麼是巴海Bahai運動?»等演講稿.這是巴哈伊教在中國最重要的早期傳教活動.1935年,巴哈伊教在中國譯名為“大同教”.1980年全球華人教徒同意正名為“巴哈伊教” ,但在中國台灣仍以大同教命名.1987年1月31日,大陸的«光明日報»有一篇署名車寧慈撰寫介紹巴哈伊教的文章«“二十世紀的泰姬陵”—— —蓮花廟»,文中仍沿用大同教一名.

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Charitable giving as a religious act or duty is referred to as alms. The name
stems from the most obvious expression of the virtue of charity, giving the recipients of it the means they need to survive.

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Charitable giving as a religious act or duty is referred to as alms. The name
stems from the most obvious expression of the virtue of charity.

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Senior Accountant

Charitable giving as a religious act or duty is referred to as alms. The name stems from the most obvious.

Job Details

Charitable giving as a religious act or duty is referred to as alms. The name stems from the most obvious.

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /www/wwwroot/bahai.org.mo/wp-content/plugins/charitian-core/inc/elementor/widgets/flip-box.php on line 1070

Executive Director

Charitable giving as a religious act or duty is referred to as alms. The name stems from the most obvious.

Job Details

Charitable giving as a religious act or duty is referred to as alms. The name stems from the most obvious.

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /www/wwwroot/bahai.org.mo/wp-content/plugins/charitian-core/inc/elementor/widgets/flip-box.php on line 1070

Product Manager

Charitable giving as a religious act or duty is referred to as alms. The name stems from the most obvious.

Job Details

Charitable giving as a religious act or duty is referred to as alms. The name stems from the most obvious.

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /www/wwwroot/bahai.org.mo/wp-content/plugins/charitian-core/inc/elementor/widgets/flip-box.php on line 1070

Front-end Developer

Charitable giving as a religious act or duty is referred to as alms. The name stems from the most obvious.

Job Details

Charitable giving as a religious act or duty is referred to as alms. The name stems from the most obvious.

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Charitable giving as a religious act or duty is referred to as alms. The name
stems from the most obvious expression of the virtue of charity.