日期:26/3/2022 (星期六)
費用:MOP50/人 (包含活動材料、小食、午餐、飲料)
Date: 26/3/2022 (Saturday)
Venue: School of the Nations, Taipa
Organizer: The Bahá’í Community of Macau
Fee: MOP50/person (Including activity materials, snacks, lunch, drinks)
為了慶祝和鼓勵越來越多的朋友走踏上了服務之道,我們將在3月26日舉辦一場精彩且無與倫比的活動——“社區建設嘉年華”,這將是一場馬拉松式的活動,時間為上午9:30-晚上9:30 在聯國學校; 介時有展覽,等一系列活動,如兒童和JY工作坊,也會有不同的研討會和講座,希望所有參與者都會喜歡。 請與您的家人、同事、親戚和朋友分享這張海報,並邀請他們參加這個激動人心的節日,以便他們找到一種方式來開始或加強他們對社區建設過程的參與。
Dear friends, hope you are enjoying the time of fasting
In order to celebrate and encourage more and more friends to walk on the path of service, we are having an exciting event- “Community Building Festival” on the 26th of March, which is a marathon event from 9:30am – 9:30pm in School of the Nations; there will be exhibitions , a series of activities such as children and JY sessions, different workshops and presentations that the participants would enjoy. Pls share this poster with your family, colleagues, relatives and friends, and invite them to join this exciting festival so that they would find a way to start or to enhance their participation in the community building processes.