Together For Community Transormation
兒童 Children
“Is a child’s mind like a blank slate?”
“Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom.”
“All we expect from our children is obedience and to do well in their studies.”
“Bahá’ís see children as the most precious treasure a community can possess. In them are the promise and guarantee of the future.”
“Children today are spoiled, unable to endure any hardship.”
“Every child is potentially the light of the world—and at the same time its darkness; wherefore must the question of education be accounted as of primary importance.”
新模式:家庭及社區一起創造另一種環境來培養孩子們的靈性成長。家長參與課程,彼此磋商,相互學習更佳的教育兒童的方法,培養和發展靈性品質 — 如誠實、慷概、正義等,為孩子們的靈性發展和貢獻於社會的福祉作準備。他們也為5-11歲的兒童設立啟迪童心班。
Emerging Pattern: Parents and the community are creating an alternative environment to foster children’s spiritual growth. Parents take part in courses, consult, and learn together about raising children and developing their spiritual qualities—such as truthfulness, generosity and justice—preparing them to contribute to the well-being of society. Spiritual education classes are offered to children aged 5-11.
青少年 Junior Youth
“Junior Youth = Rebelliousness?”
“…seeing in junior youth instead altruism, an acute sense of justice, eagerness to learn about the universe and a desire to contribute to the construction of a better world.”
“It’s hard to understand adolescence, they will be fine when they get over this stage.”
“無論年輕人所處的社會境況如何,他們都渴望靈性和智力的成長,並渴望“為人類的福祉做貢獻” 。
“Regardless of their social situations, young people aspire for spiritual and intellectual growth and to make a contribution to the fortunes of humanity”
Emerging Pattern: The Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program for adolescents aged 11-15 is carried out primarily by youth in the community. They meet once a week to explore themes of interest, initiate service projects, and engage in arts and outdoor activities. The program helps them to develop communication skills, understand how constructive and destructive forces operate in society, and devote themselves to the service of others.
A youth is leading a discussion with a group of junior youth. In this process, they learn how to listen to others’ opinions, express their own ideas, and consult with others.
青年 Youth
“Young people face a lot of pressure and temptation, just to take care of themselves is already an achievement.”
“We fulfil our highest purpose in a life of service, in which we offer our time, energy, knowledge, and financial resources.”
“Young people are indifferent to society and it is getting worse.”
“. . . 你們有能力為塑造下一個世紀的社會做出重大貢獻; 青年可以改變世界。”
“. . . it is within your power to contribute significantly to shaping the societies of the coming century; youth can move the world.”
“Young people can easily become disoriented in life.”
“Youth must, above all, be imbued with a strong sense of purpose that impels them both to pursue their own spiritual and intellectual growth and to contribute to the transformation of society.”
新模式:青年通過無私服務的精神,參與社區服務(例如引導比他們更年輕的一代), 結合教育、工作、休閒、靈性生活、身體健康等方面,活出連貫一致、靈性與物質平衡的生活模式。他們既會實現個人的成長,也會理解生命的意義。
Emerging Pattern:Through selfless service, young people can learn to foster a life in which various aspects complement each other including education, work, leisure, spiritual life, physical health. By developing patterns of behavior that balance the spiritual and material requirements of life, they discover both personal growth and meaning.
家庭 Family
“婚姻 = 失去了自由!”
“Marriage = freedom lost!”
“Marriage is the commitment of the two parties one to the other, and their mutual attachment of mind and heart. Each must, however, exercise the utmost care to become thoroughly acquainted with the character of the other, that the binding covenant between them may be a tie that will endure forever. Their purpose must be this: to become loving companions and comrades and at one with each other for time and eternity.…”
“What matters is the happiness of the family, material wealth is not important.”
The family unit is seen as the nucleus of human society.
“Through its harmonious functioning and the development and maintenance of the bonds of love that join together its members, it gives constant expression to the truth that the well-being of the individual is inextricably bound to the progress and well-being of others.
Emerging Pattern: The family unit is seen as the nucleus of human society—a space within which praiseworthy morals and capacities essential to the betterment of society are to be developed. Habits and patterns of conduct nurtured within the family are carried into the school, the workplace, the community, and even into the arena of international relations.
家庭與社區 Family and the Community
“It is challenging to participate in community affairs when I can’t even take care of my family
“一個家庭的環境就是整個國家的環境。 家庭中發生的事就是國家生活中發生的事。 ”
“The conditions surrounding the family surround the nation. The happenings in the family are the happenings in the life of the nation.”
新模式 :建立一種以有意義的交流,崇拜和服務他人的服務為主的社區生活模式。家庭在培養集體主人翁意識方面發揮著重要作用,以促進其社區的靈性、社區和物質福祉。
Emerging Pattern: Forging a new model of community life where spiritual conversation and service to others go hand-in-hand. Homes have an important role to cultivate a sense of collective ownership for the spiritual, social, and economic well-being of their community.
長者 Senior Citizens
“An elder in the family is a treasure to have.”
At different stages of one’s life every soul could nurture one’s spiritual growth through service to others. There is so much that can be accomplished through our elders’ resources and wisdom — if only society could begin to see them in the positive light.
社會經濟發展 Social and Economic Development
“It is not only the grades that matters.”
“Arts, crafts and sciences uplift the world of being, and are conducive to its exaltation. Knowledge is as wings to man’s life, and a ladder for his ascent. Its acquisition is incumbent upon everyone. The knowledge of such sciences, however, should be acquired as can profit the peoples of the earth, and not those which begin with words and end with words.
“Schooling is for the mere purpose of securing employment.”
“In truth, knowledge is a veritable treasure for man, and a source of glory, of bounty, of joy, of exaltation, of cheer and gladness unto him.”
“All the problems in the world can be solved with money and technology.”
“真正的繁榮,即一種建立在和平、合作、利他、尊嚴、正直的行為和正 義基礎上的良好狀態,既來自物質方面的發明和進步,也源於靈性感悟和美德之光。”
“True prosperity-a well-being founded on peace, cooperation, altruism, dignity, rectitude of conduct and justice-flows from the light of spiritual awareness and virtue as well as from material discovery and progress.”
新模式:社會變革不是一群人為了另一群人的利益而進行的項目。每一個群體都應該追尋其自身發展的路徑,促進社會和各界人士 – 無論他們的信仰或背景 – 的物質及社會生活水準。
Social change is not a project that one group of people carries out for the benefit of another. Every population should be able to trace the path of its own progress and promote the social and material well-being of people of all walks of life, whatever their beliefs or background.
Actions to improve our social and material well-being range from very modest to complex, but they all share a set of concepts, principles, and approaches.