



The Emergence of A New Civilization
Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Bahá’u’lláh
Community Building Carnival

21 Oct 2017


3:00 pm  到達  請移玉步到四樓禮堂
  Arrival  Please proceed to 4th floor auditorium

3:15 pm  四樓禮堂 祈禱   Devotional
  Auditorium 社區建設嘉年華開幕式 Opening ceremony

4:00 pm 四樓禮堂 播放「世界之光」 影片— 巴哈歐拉生平及其教義(51分鐘)
Auditorium Viewing of “Light to the World” – a film about the life and teachings of Bahá’u’lláh

4:00 – 6:00 pm  社區建設活動展示和交流

Community Building Activities display and interaction

三樓 探討巴哈歐拉的教義、服務培訓、青少年賦能項目、祈禱區、社會行動、社會對話等

Worship and service activities

地面層      兒童遊樂會和美好家庭加油站 (幼兒園區)

Children’s Festival and Family Enhancement Station (Kindergarten area)

書法家現場交流 Interaction with Calligraphers (大堂  Foyer)

5:00 pm 大堂 「美好家庭+」新書發布會
Foyer New book release

5:00 pm 四樓禮堂 重播「世界之光」 影片

Auditorium Repeat of “Light to the World” 
書法展 Calligraphy Exhibition(各層  All floors)

茶點  Refreshments  (三樓和地面層  3rd floor and Ground floor)

祈禱節目  Devotional Programme

1.贊美巴哈歐拉   Praise Bahá’u’lláh
(經文–團結之光    Writings – Light of Unity)

2.團結禱文 (中文)Unity Prayer  (Cantonese)

3.經文 – 噢!巴哈歐拉  (中文)
Writings –  O Bahá’u’lláh   (Cantonese)

4.經文 –“我不過是個與常人無異的人……”
Writings –“I was but a man like others….”

5.團結禱文 (葡語)    Unity Prayer  (Portuguese)

6.輔助禱文   Prayer for Assistance

7.精神煥發禱文   Prayer for Spiritual Growth

8.經文–“ 富足時須慷慨,逆境中宜感恩……”
Writings –“Be generous in prosperity, and thankful in adversity….”

9.經文 –“人就好比富礦,隱含無價珍藏……”
Writing –“Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value….”

10.經文– 噢!巴哈歐拉 (英文) Writings – O Bahá’u’lláh  (English)


—— 巴哈歐拉

“Be anxiously concerned with the needs of the age ye live in, and center your deliberations on its exigencies and requirements. 

—— Bahá’u’lláh

巴哈歐拉 — 神聖教育家



Divine Educator —  Bahá’u’lláh

About 200 years ago, Bahá’u’lláh appeared in Persia and devoted Himself to the upliftment and education of the people. He proclaimed the oneness of the world of humanity and taught that all are created and nourished by the one loving and merciful God. He promoted principles such as the equality of men and women, the abolition of prejudices, the agreement between science and religion, and the need for universal education.

During His lifetime, He was intensely active. His energy was unlimited. Scarcely one night was passed in restful sleep. He suffered in order that selflessness and service should be made manifest in the world of humanity, that the Most Great Peace should be established, that human faith should be strengthened, that the human mind might be developed to its fullest capacity, and that man might become the reflection and likeness of God. Bahá’u’lláh was truly a Manifestation of God and a Universal Educator of humanity.